雅思考试小作文真题范文案例解析 | 动态柱 欧洲家庭私家车拥有量

厦门编辑 2023-08-08 10:06

[2023/ 7/ 29] The chart below shows the percentage of household with different number of cars in Europe from 1971 to 2001.

The bar chart illustrates changes in the number of cars per household in Europe between 1971 and 2001.
It is clear that in the given 3 decades, car ownership increased in Europe. However, the proportion of families with two or more cars remained the smallest throughout the period.
- 除了no car之外,其他两个类别上升→汽车拥有率↑
- 有多于2辆车的家庭比例一直
【Body 1】
We can see that in the initial year, roughly half of the families did not have a car. Although 40% of households had one car, it was uncommon for families to own two or more cars.
- no car:大约一半
- one car:40%
- two or more cars:数值非常低
【Body 2】
In the subsequent 30 years, the figure for families with no car was on a constant decline, falling remarkably to 30% in 2001. By contrast, the 30-year period witnessed a gradual growth in the percentage of households with more than one car to 30%. The proportion of one-car families climbed slightly to 45% in 1981, and then it overtook the figure for households without a car. After peaking at 50% in 1991, this figure saw a marginal drop by 10% in the final year.
- no cars:持续下降
- tow or more cars:逐步上升
- one car:小幅度上升→1981年超过one car→小幅度



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