contrarian n. 做法与一般大众想法相反的投资人; (与其他人)持相反意见者 contrarian指的是那些热衷于唱反调的“杠精”,也就是喜欢与大众持相反意见的人,喜欢去抬杠的人。 一句话回怼指南: You are nothing to me. hater n. 怀恨者 hater可以形容那些见不得别人好的杠精,常常出没于微博、朋友圈等各种场合。 标志性行为是无论你发了一张多么完美的自拍,他们总能一秒挑出瑕疵,并且要告诉你,让你心里不舒服。 一句话回怼指南: It's none of your business. 关你啥事。 busybody n. 好事的人;爱管闲事的人 busybody指的是那些明明和你不熟,但是废话连篇、什么都要插手的人。 标志性行为是:你穿一件短裙,Ta说穿这么少不安全;你打个游戏,Ta说对眼睛不好;你化个妆,Ta说对皮肤不好...... 一句话回怼指南: Oh, I didn't realize you're an expert in my life. Please continue while I take notes. 哇,原来你比我还了解我的人生,快让我记好笔记。 troll n.(北欧神话中的)丑陋怪兽;网络喷子 troll是国外的网络用语,和传统的“杠精”不同,troll指的是上升到人身攻击的杠精群体,更像我们常说的“黑子”或者“喷子”,是网络暴力的发源地。 一句话回怼指南: So much spice, so much pain. 嘴巴这么毒,心里一定很苦吧。 spoilsport n. 专事破坏他人乐趣者 spoilsport可以形容那些热衷于扫兴、泼冷水的杠精群体,更多体现为“无脑杠”行为,具体表现为:你没惹我,但我就是想破坏你的好心情。 一句话回怼指南: You have destroyed my ability to tolerate idiots. 你破坏了我容忍白痴的能力。 话说回来,其实在网络中,“什么都不认可”的“杠精”和“什么都认可”的“墙头草”是一样致命的,因为这些都是缺乏最基本的“媒介素养”(media literacy)的表现。 What is media literacy? Media literacy is "the ability to access, analyze, evaluate, create and act using all forms of communication." Why is media literacy so important? Media literacy is a skill we often take for granted. After all it seems that we don't need anyone to teach us how to watch TV or see a film. But if we consider how important the mass media are in creating and maintaining the culture that helps define ourselves and our lives, it is a skill that must be improved. Like all skills, it can be improved.