"Decribe the city you live in"试音环节变成了“Two advantages of living in large cities...“大概4-5行;
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Section 2(2篇听力) : 做题时间为6.5min;
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Discussion Board
Doctor Achebe(professor)
Let's continue talking about consumer behavior. We have been discussing different ways people go about choosing what products to buy, and there are many potential sources of information and advice for consumers. In your opinion,which is the better strategy for making purchasing decisions, relying on advice from friends and family,or depending on information from online sources? Why?
Asking friends and family members for product recommendations might seem like an easier option, but it might take too much time to get all the information you need. An internet search would be much more efficient There are many consumer magazines available online that compile lots of data to compare the advantages and disadvantages of one product versus another.
Paul (student)
The last timel bought a computer, I just watched a few videos online to make a decision, and nowl regret that. My friends could have advised me better because they know my preferences and the kind of features thatIam interested in.Consumers should get advice from the people around them to find the most suitable products
Integrated Writing
1. 从"kudzu"植物的茎和根部相交的地方(界面上有图标注了位置),也就是植物的树冠crown,开始除去植物。
2. 利用山羊等动物来吃掉"kudzu"植物。山羊对于"kudzu"有着较高的食欲,可以帮助控制植物的生长,尤其是在一些难以到达的地方。
3. 利用真菌(fungi)来感染和控制"kudzu"。特定的真菌可以被用作生物农药,感染并杀死"kudzu"植物,从而限制其生长和传播。
1. "kudzu"植物的crowns(指茎和根部相交的地方)很深,这意味着如果只是简单地砍掉植物,根部可能不易完全清除。这样,"kudzu"可能会再生长,使得除掉这种植物变得更加困难。另外,"kudzu"植物生长迅速,如果不及时采取控制措施,它可能在很短的时间内重新占领土地。
2. 用山羊等动物来吃掉"kudzu"需要它们在一个地方持续吃草相当长的时间,才有可能有效控制植物的生长。如果山羊在一个地方停留时间很短,那么"kudzu"可能会很快再次生长,从而无法取得理想的控制效果。
3. 大规模使用真菌来控制"kudzu"的生长需要大量的真菌资源,而目前生产如此大量的真菌还没有高效的方法。此外,如果这些真菌会感染人类皮肤,那么使用真菌的方法可能会造成对人类的伤害。同时,大量使用真菌可能会影响除了"kudzu"之外的其他植物。
Avine (climbing plant) from Asia called kudzu was introduced into the southeastern United States over a century ago as a means of decorating gardens and preventing soil erosion. Kudzu has quickly spread across the southeastern United States and has become an invasive species that kills off native plants and trees byclimbing over them and blocking them from sunlight.Three methods of controlling the spread of kudzu have been proposed.
Crown Removal
One way of getting rid of the invasive kudzu is byremoving its root crown.The root crown is the part of the kudzu where its stem and roots meet.New kudzu vines grow from the root crown and not from the roots.Thereforecutting just below the root crown and removing the crown from the soil will prevent new kudzu vines from growing and may help eradicate kudzu.
Grazing Goats
Another control technique involves transporting goats to areas overgrown with kudzu and allowing the goats to graze(feed) on the kudzu to remove it.Goats are relatively small but eat a great deal, so a large herd of goats can be driven in trucks to areas of kudzu infestation, where the goats can graze until the kudzu has been cleared.Importantly. grazing by livestock weakens kudzu and prevents it from regrowingso this control method has the potential to address the problem.
A third control method consists of using naturally occurring microorganisms, such as fungi, that feed on kudzu Some scientists have recentlyconducted a series of experiments with fungiWhen a kudzu plant was infectedwith fungi in the morningsigns of infection were alreadyvisible bythe afternoonSpecificallythe plant's leaves had become weak and lifeless.The use of fungi may thus help eliminate kudzu.
Unfortunately,none of the control methods you’ve just read about are very effective.
Okay,the reading says that one way to stop Kudzu from growing is to remove the root crown. Well that’s easier said than done.You seealthough the root crown begins just two or three centimeters below the surface, it also grows deep into the soil.It’s very hard to find the bottom of the crown deep below it and cut it from the system of roots beneath it. If any part of the crown remains in the soil after the attempt ofremovalKudzu will grow back quickly from this remaining part. And given the large size of the root crown and how deep in the soil it goesthe chances of some parts of the crown remaining in the soil are high.
Second, goats will fully remove Kudzu only if you let them graze in the same area continuously for a long period of time.Only continuous grazing weakens Kudzu to the point preventing its root growth. So, loading goats on trucks and moving them from place to place as the reading suggests will not work.If goats stay in each area for just a short time, they will remove some Kudzu, but as soon as they are moved to another area,the Kudzu will erow back.Only long-term continuous grazing worksbut it’s impossible to bring goats for long-term grazing to all the areas infested by Kudzu.
Finally,the use of fungi is also problematic.Kudzu infestations are so wide-spread that fungi would have to be produced in great quantities to control these infestations However, scientists currently don’t have the resources to produce mass quantities of fungi in laboratories. And fungi have another drawback.If a person touches a Kudzu plant is infected with fungithe fungi maycause skin irritation.Thereforethis control method may remain at the experimental stage for a while.
Task 1
Some people prefer to go to the museum alone, while others prefer to go with friends. Which one do you think is better?【重复2019.12.14原题】
Task 2
1. 可以解决图书馆书籍被借走后长期未归还的问题。这种情况可能会导致图书馆的图书资源短缺,其他学生无法及时借阅需要的书籍。通过设立五天内还书制度,学生被要求在借阅图书后的五天内归还书籍,这将有助于更好地管理图书馆的资源和促进公平使用。
2. 如果来不及看完,图书馆提供免费复印服务,并设立一个专门的复印中心。可以方便学生获取复印资料,减少因为没有复印资料而不得不延长借书时间的情况。
Task 3:
小动物依靠内部指南针(internal compass)是指它们具备一种天生的导航能力,可以感知和辨别方向,以找到回家的路或者寻找食物。
Task 4:
1. 蝾螈的一系列进化特征和威胁生存的因素。
2. 地图流行的原因以及在16世纪绘制地图的技术进步。
3. 微塑料海洋污染
4. 沙罗曼蛇大蜥蜴的特殊习性
5. 电影剪辑发展史
6. 十八世纪英国工业革命
7. echinoderm evolution
1. 篮球队员希望在退役后,利用他学习过的运动和营养学知识,从事医疗助理的工作,为他人的健康和医疗服务做出贡献。因为他对营养和健康有浓厚的兴趣,希望将这方面的专业知识应用到新的职业中。
2. 学生找教授问问题,涉及两种模仿现象:Batesian Mimicry 和 Müllerian Mimicry。这两种模仿现象在物种间有毒性的情况下发生。
1. Hudson River School (哈德逊河画派)是19世纪美国的一派艺术运动,以画美国本土风景而闻名。在这个运动中,有一位艺术家名为Jasper Francis Cropsey,他专注于创作美国本土的风景画。
2. 美国国会在建立初期的历史背景和困境,以及最终通过“Great Compromise”(伟大妥协)解决了分歧的情况。
3. 两种减少全球变暖的地质工程策略(geoengineer)。