1、阅 读 部 分
4、Ice age trigger。在第四纪大冰期中,冰川有数次扩张和消退我们分别称之为冰期Glacial Period和间冰期Interglacial Period,根据米兰科维奇假说Milankovitch Hypothesis,当太阳带着地球运行到银河系中物质密度较大的区域时,太阳光度(luminosity)较弱,那么地球得到的辐射能量就更少,地球上的温度也会随之降低,从而就出现了冰川期。
2、听 力 部 分
3、口 语 部 分
Task 1 重复2019.02.23/
It is the policy of many universities that parents of university students cannot have access to their child's grades without their permission. Do you agree or disagree with this policy?
Task 2
Task 3
Irreversible thinking。
Task 4
动物偷窃的原因 Why do animals steal other's food?
1. 生理局限,海鸥不能深潜,等着其他鸟把鱼叼出水面之后去偷;
2. 避免暴露给捕食者expose to predators
写作 部 分
1. 发现石器是大猩猩用的,和现在的一样
2. 石器是它们用来砸果子、nuts的,和现在大猩猩 吃的一样
3. 工具早于人类出现,所以只可能是大猩猩 用的
1. 根据石器的大小、重量判断,猿人也可以使用
2. 石器可能是用来削roots的,猿人吃roots, 也有可能吃nuts, 尽管现在不吃
3. 古人到处游牧, 也许没有长期在此居住,但可能visit过
学术讨论 2023.7.30家考原题重复
Your professor is teaching a class on sociology. Write a post responding to the professor's question. In your response, you should do the following.
Express and support your opinion.
Make a contribution to the discussion in your own words.
An effective response will contain at least 100 words.
This week, we’ll be discussing ways to address air pollution. One idea is introducing environmental taxes on air travel. Such taxes also referred to as ecological taxes or green taxes, are extra charges that get added to the price of airplane tickets. Money collected from these taxes could be invested in environmentally friendly technologies or in promoting other cleaner modes of transportation. Do you think there should be an environmental tax on air travel? Why or why not?
We should impose environmental taxes on air travel. These taxes might encourage people to find cheaper, more eco-friendly ways to get places. In my country, many people use planes to fly a short distance because flights are relatively cheap, when they could just as easily take a less polluting form of transportation.
Additional taxes on air travel will do little to solve the problem of air pollution. Airplane tickets would become more expensive, punishing passengers without incentivizing airlines to become more environmentally friendly. The airlines should pay the price to protect the environment, not their customers.